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Publication with advised student* as noted; corresponding author† as noted.

Peer-reviewed Journal Publications
2. Beck,A.L.†, Talebiyan, H.,Cha, E.J., and Duenas-Osorio, L. (2023) Socially-Aware Retrofit Prioritization for Utility Networks: Integrating Network Performance and Social Impact Considerations. Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure (Submitted Nov. 2023; Submission ID: 232642574)

1. Beck, A. L., Cha, E. J.† (2024). Probabilistic Disaster Social Impact Assessment of Infrastructure System
Nodes. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 20(3), 421–432.

Reports and Technical Documents
1. Duenas-Osorio, L., Harrisoin, K., Dillard, M., Talebiyan, H., Faiz, F., Cha, E.J., Beck, A., Zhou, X., and van de Lindt, J. (2024) Chapter 4. In Meyer, M., Duenas-Osorio, L., Dillard, M., Sutley, E. (eds.), The Lumberton, North Carolina Flood of 2016, Wave 5: Understanding Recovery from Sequential Disasters. NIST Special Publication 1230-5.

Conference Publications
5. Beck, A. L., Cha, E.J., Paquette, L., and Shaffer, E. “Work-In-Progress: What Goes into an Engineering Decision: An Infrastructure Decision-Making Game for Exploratory Equity Learning Phase 2 Multiple Stakeholders,” American Society for Engineering Education 2024 Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon, USA, June 2024.

4. Beck, A. L., Cha, E.J., and Peacock, W.G., ”Incorporation of Equity into Infrastructure Decision-Making:
Development of an Equity Metric for Infrastructure Retrofitting,” 14th International Conference on Application of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (ICASP14) Dublin, Ireland, July 2023. CERRA Student Recognition Award

3. Beck, A. L., Cha, E. J. ”Work-In-Progress: What Goes into an Engineering Decision: An Infrastructure Decision Making Game for Exploratory Equity Learning,” American Society for Engineering Education 2023 Annual Conference Baltimore, Maryland, USA, June 2023.

2. Beck, A. L., Talebiyan, H., Cha, E. J., and Duenas-Osorio, L., Comparative Retrofit Prioritization Schemes for Electric Power Networks: Application to the Community in Seaside, OR,” In M. Beer, E. Zio, K.K Phoon, B. Ayyub, J. Behrensdorf (Eds.), The 8th International Symposium on Reliability Engineering and Risk Management (ISRERM) Hanover, Germany, September2022(pp. 592-599). Research Publishing, Singapore.

1. Beck, A. L., Cha, E. J., Probabilistic Quantification of Infrastructure Node’s Disaster Social Impact,” Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability (ICOSSAR2021/22) Shanghai, China, September 2022. Student Best Paper Award